Renowned Pastry Chef, Angelo Musa, is bringing his world-famous pastries to Dubai as he opens Bonbon Café Angelo Musa, a culinary masterpiece located in The Lana, Dorchester Collection, Dubai. Set along the picturesque waterfront of Dubai’s Canal, the elegant French pâtisserie is a charming concept for those desiring an afternoon of indulgence, or a sweet treat to pick up throughout the day, offering culinary artistry and pure indulgence in equal measure.
Perfectly situated on the ground floor of The Lana with enthralling views of Dubai’s skyline, Bonbon Café Angelo Musa offers an exceptional gastronomic voyage, welcoming guests into a haven French-inspired elegance along the stunning coastal landscape. The elevated, marina-side pâtisserie offers a harmonious blend of calmness paired with a refined social ambience for guests to unwind in. From this stunning vantage point, guests are treated to exquisite delicacies with equally sensational views that add a serene quality to the setting. With plush furnishings in warm, neutral colour palettes surrounded by green shrubbery, Bonbon Café Angelo Musa provides a tranquil escape from the bustling city.
Drawing upon his international expertise and esteemed titles of World Pastry Champion and Best Craftsman of France, Angelo Musa is renowned for pushing culinary boundaries. With his pioneering avantgarde style and creative flair, Angelo is sure to add his own twist of personality to every delicious bite. With over eight years leading the pastry kitchen at the prestigious Hôtel Plaza Athénée, Angelo is no stranger to Dorchester Collection properties, and is also spearheading the boulangerie and pâtisserie program throughout The Lana.
Open daily between 10am and 10pm, the gourmet venue serves an array of viennoiseries, freshly baked bread, pastries, bespoke cakes, artisanal ice cream and sorbets, sandwiches, salads, and more, alongside a range of soft drinks, coffees, hot chocolates, and teas by Avantcha. Any time of day is a good one at Bonbon Café, a place of all-day indulgence; whether it is a quick morning coffee, a delectable afternoon treat, or a tempting take away, guests can delight in a selection of Angelo’s much-loved creations.
Featuring daily delicacies and tantalising treats, the artisan menu boasts an array of freshly baked viennoiseries and pastries that bring to life the essence of French pâtisserie, full of vibrant flavours and crisp, precise textures in each bite, perfect to pair with a choice of fine tea, coffee, or juice for a holistic gastronomic experience. The menu is complemented by an array of home-made ice cream and sorbet in a variety of flavours including Madagascar Vanilla, 62% Dark Chocolate, Sicilian Pistachio, Almond Milk, Raspberry Sorbet, Exotic Sorbet, and Lemon Sorbet.
With a vision to create a pastry destination that will redefine Dubai’s culinary landscape one sweet creation at a time, Bonbon Café Angelo Musa is set to be a captivating oasis for guests to discover the finest pâtisserie and savor delectable treats from one of France’s most esteemed chefs.
For more information or to make a booking, please visit:
Restaurant Timings: 10.00 – 22.00
Location: Ground Floor, The Lana Dorchester Collection, Marasi Drive, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.